The Orwigsburg Lions Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. For an update on club activities, please Visit Our Facebook Page
Lions Club H.E.L.P. "Health Equipment Loan Program"
Are you or a loved one in need of any of these items to aid in recovery from illness or surgery?
- Wheelchair
- Walker - stationary & folding
- Hospital bed - manual & electric
- Cane - single and multi-legged
- Crutches
- Shower seat
- Bedside commode/bedpan
- Over-toilet seat with handrails
- Temporary tub hand rail
- Recliner chair with auto-lift seat
The Orwigsburg Lions Health Equipment Loan program provides these items to local residents at no charge as a community service. To arrange a loan, call Larry Dagna at 570-617-6149