• A Great Place to Raise a Family

    A Great Place to Raise a Family

  • Recreation


  • A True

    A True "American Home Town"



"I have a problem with my Water or Sewage system. What do I do?"

Orwigsburg Borough requires all Water and Sewer utility customers to notify the Borough Office when there is any situation involving these systems requiring maintenance performed by a contractor. 

For example...if your property has an apparent clog in the waste system resulting in your need to hire a contractor (i.e. Roto Rooter, Plumber or others) to remove a clog, you must notify the Borough before you do. This will allow the Borough to perform an inspection to determine where the problem lies and to possible resolve the problem. Failure to contract the Borough in advance may result in all costs being your responsibility.

The Borough, at its discretion, may hire the contractor...might perform the work itself... or, if the issue is determined to be the property owner's responsibility, recommend to the owner that they hire the contractor.

As a reminder, DO NOT FLUSH any items except toilet paper. The items that say "FLUSHABLE" are not going to dissolve and will hang up on any imperfection in the sewer lines. The Borough has very old, terracotta lines, with root intrusions, that create great locations to build a blockage. In addition, DO NOT POUR grease or oils down the drain. Grease and oil will coagulate quickly, and flushing hot water down behind the grease and oil does not help. The hot water cools much more rapidly that you imagine.


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